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Name: Bella Plumridge 

DOB: 28/10/2005

Disciplines: Dressage 

Coach (Dressage): Charlotte Pedersen & David McKinnon

Inspired by: Catherine Dufour, Nanna Skodborg Merrald, Merita Hagren



  1. Illawong Harvest Moon (piglet) 135cm Arabian Riding Dressage Pony  Competing FEI Small/medium Tour & previously CDI-P (Many championships), FEI Small Tour (2023 State Champion, 2021 Inter 1 Champion & Small Tour Res Champ at Victorian Dressage Festival)
  2. Remi Venturo S  Warmblood by Remi Vigneron 


  1. Tres Bonne NZ (Bonnie) 16hh TB x Clydie x WB competing juniors 1.15


Memorable Moments


March - November spent in Denmark at Priess Stutteri training & working under Per & Lotte Skjaerbaek

Winner of the Remi Stud Scholarship 


* State Dressage Festival Small Tour P Champions

* Australian Interschool Nationals Small Tour 4th

* Youth Champs CDN YR 4th


  • Equitana YR Quadrille 
  • Equitana YR 4th
  • Australian Dressage Champs 3rd
  • Australian Interschool Nationals
  • Top 10 EV Y Ambassador
  • Team Dressage Captain for Victoria for IS Nationals 
  • Winner of VEIS Grand Final Small Tour  
  • 5 FEI-YR Boneo Youth Champs


  • Victorian State Pony Inter 1 Champions, Res Champions Small Tour
  • Sydney CD-Lite P Championship & breaking the Australian P Freestyle record for a 2nd time in 4mths 74.125%
  • Boneo Classic FEI Pony Champion breaking the Aus P Freestyle record,
  • Vic Youth Champs FEI Pony Champions
  • Winner of Victorian Interschools Series in Small Tour
  • Qualifying Nationals Interschool team Small Tour
  • Equestrian Victoria Top 10 Victorian Young Dressage Ambassador
  • State Champion Reserve FEI SMALL TOUR PONY & RES YR
  • Inter 1 PB Score 66% 


  • Winning the overall Champion for the 2019 FEI Youth World Dressage Challenge from 140 riders & 31 countries &  Winning the 2019 FEI Youth Dressage World Challenge Aus leg in Sydney.
  • Winning overall Champion and all 3 classes in the CDI-P at the Sydney CDI 2019.
  • Reserve Champs at the Boneo CDI in the CDI-P 2019,
  • Competing in my first Advanced at Nationals in Sydney. 
  • 2018 FEI World Youth Dressage Challenge placing 3rd in Aus, 5th SE Asia and 21st in the world.
  • 3rd in the Opal Series at Australian Showjumping Championships. 
  • Interschool National Team x 3 time

Favourite Quotes: “Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect” and “If it was easy everyone would be able to do it"

Advice: The best advice I have been told are

1. Focus on your own plan, don’t worry about people who watch and compete with you and your plan, as they are not following their own.

2. Take time to learn properly, listen and accept good advice, and say thank-you. 3. Cheer for others as you would like them to cheer for you.

When not riding: I like going to my brothers wakeboarding, being with friends & family, EATING, hanging out with all my pets.

Most known for: Being clumsy, never staying clean, wearing odd socks.

Follow Bella on Instagram @bella_plumridge 

Facebook: Bella Plumridge